
Game Info

  • Description:A top secret J1L fighter has been stolen by terrorists! It is the most powerful fighter ever built - you must destroy it to save your people.This game is unlike conventional shoot"em ups. Instead of playing as the lone starfighter, you play as the "base" that is under attack. You must marshall your forces by clicking action buttons on the screen. For example, to set off a mine, click its button. You also have non-fixed weapons including an EMP and fighter wings - but these can only be used a limited numger of times. You can also play against a second person, who controls the star fighter! So cool! If you like this game, you"ll love Clash N Slash, a more traditional shoot"em up, but still great.. CONTROLS:For single player mode - use your mouse to point and click to fire weapons.2 player mode - the person flying the fighter uses the arrow keys to move around and the SHIFT key to fire cannons. Person controlling base uses mouse point and click like single player mode.

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